
Car Dealer Ewards 2010 – who won what?

Time 7:26 am, November 16, 2010

ewardslogo2010THE wait is finally over! Today we can reveal winners of the Car Dealer Ewards 2010 in association with Autotorq.com.

On our website today – and in the latest issue of Car Dealer Magazine – we announce the worthy winners of our coveted Ewards.

We’ve named the winners in five categories, which are:

Multi-Franchised Dealer Website of the Year

Franchised Dealer Website of the Year

Car Supermarket Website of the Year

Independent Dealer Website of the Year

Car Manufacturer Website of the Year

Special Achievement of the Year

Web innovation of the Year

Never has the internet been more important to the car industry. You don’t need me to remind you about the statistics of how many buyers start their search for a new car on your website – at the last count the percentage was in the high 80s, now it’s probably even higher.

And there’s a good reason for that. Buyers can take their time online; virtually poke and prod their potential purchases in the comfort of their own home for as long as they want without one of your salesmen hassling them.

They can compare models, get finance quotes, look for insurance, specify their potential purchase for days and weeks if they desire. And then, when they’re ready to buy, they’ll pay you a visit.


The Car Dealer Ewards – held in association with Autotorq.com – are now in their third year and aim to highlight those in our industry that are at the top of their game. From franchised dealers to independents, our Ewards search the very corners of the worldwide web for excellence. This year we had a record number of entries. Not only did you send in your nominations in the hundreds, the car Dealer ewards 2010, we also took suggestions from Twitter, email and on our website to ensure we covered all bases.

We then came up with a shortlist for the Multi-Franchished, Franchised, Car Supermarket, Independent and Car Manufacturer Eward categories. These were sent to our expert judges who ordered them from their favourite to least favourite. Each time a website was placed first by a judge it was awarded 10 points, a second place secured nine, and so on. When all the votes were in we had our winners.

Things were a little different for the Web Innovation and Special Achievement Ewards. To decide these all the judges got together for a special judging day at Autotorq’s Fulham HQ and nominated one website in each category. These were then discussed and voted for in the same way as the other categories. So here they are – the very best UK automotive websites; our Car Dealer Eward winners 2010.


James Batchelor's avatar

James – or Batch as he’s known – started at Car Dealer in 2010, first as the work experience boy, eventually becoming editor in 2013. He worked for Auto Express as editor-at-large from 2014 and was the face of Carbuyer’s YouTube reviews. In 2020, he went freelance and now writes for a number of national titles and contributes regularly to Car Dealer. In October 2021 he became Car Dealer's associate editor.

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