
MD toasts Autotrade-mail

Time 1:31 am, November 15, 2011

wine-winner-imag0078THE MD of a Peterborough-based car and commercial vehicle specialist has been raising a toast to Autotrade-mail.

Wizz Cars’ Anthony Orchard won his ‘weight in wine’ in a prize draw open to members who responded to a recent survey undertaken by Autotrade-mail to enhance its support of 5,000 franchised and independent dealerships.

Now awash with his favourite red Shiraz and Chilean wines with Autotrade-mail’s compliments, Orchard was not only full of cheer about his prize but also the invaluable service that his company is able to call upon.

‘I started using Autotrade-mail when I launched Wizz Cars four years ago and it is now an essential part of our business providing us with a professional, trustworthy system that works exceptionally well,’ explained Orchard.

Following the results of the survey, Autotrade-mail has implemented several new measures to benefit its members.

Companies advertising a vehicle are now automatically notified by the system if any dealer has recently requested that specific model, while adverts can now be re-sent after five days without any additional charge being incurred.

Members are also able to promote the length of their Autotrade-mail membership as a means of providing additional peace-of- mind to new buyers and sellers alike.

‘Many companies like to consider themselves as listening companies, I suppose we do take it a stage further and very actively continue to seek opinion and then work with the feedback provided,’ explained Kevin Watson, Autotrade-mail’s operations director, reinforcing their company strap line ‘dealers for dealers’.

‘The response to our survey surpassed all expectation and whilst it was invaluable to canvass the views of our members, it was also an absolute delight to present one of our long standing members with his prize.’

James Batchelor's avatar

James – or Batch as he’s known – started at Car Dealer in 2010, first as the work experience boy, eventually becoming editor in 2013. He worked for Auto Express as editor-at-large and was the face of Carbuyer’s YouTube reviews. In 2020, he went freelance and now writes for a number of national titles and contributes regularly to Car Dealer. In October 2021 he became Car Dealer's associate editor.

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