
The fun of CDX15 in pictures

Time 8:58 am, February 9, 2015

80348cardealerWE’RE catching our breath now after the fun of organising the Conference & Expo at Silverstone this week.

More than 1,500 poured through the doors to make it the biggest auto event of its type in the UK.

Our photographers were on hand to capture all the action.

Full coverage of CDX15 will appear in Issue 89 of Car Dealer magazine, which will be out in mid-July – but for now, take a look at a few pictures on our Facebook site to see if you can spot yourself….

The pictures can be viewed here

CDX15: Now #CDX15 is over, we’re looking forward to #CDX16!

CDX15: What a day!

CDX15: The Top 150 Most Influential Dealers on Twitter


Colin Channon's avatar

Colin is a former editor of Car Dealer. He left the magazine in August 2015.

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