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Why no-one can afford to miss the Car Dealer Conference & Expo

Time 6:00 am, April 2, 2015

Tim Smith, the group strategy director at GForces, will be holding a workshop at the Car Dealer Conference and Automotive Expo on June 9. Here, he writes why he’s looking forward to the summer’s BIG event…

ANYONE who has visited NADA will know it’s a spectacular event with a huge number of trade professionals and industry-renowned companies, explaining what’s next for the car industry and how they fit into it. It’s also very important – what you see and hear there is precedent-setting, which is why Car Dealer ran such an in-depth feature on it a few issues ago.

When Car Dealer then approached us and said they wanted to replicate NADA in Blighty, at Silverstone… well, let’s just say the question answered itself.

As the biggest event of its type in the UK, the Car Dealer Conference and Automotive Expo is going to be an unrivalled networking and thought-sharing opportunity. I’m very excited about addressing the cream of the British motor industry (9.40am until 10am, in case you didn’t know) about the huge digital opportunities available to dealers and the future of digital car retailing in the UK. But I’ll be talking about more than just the tools themselves.

Web tools and vast swathes of data are like ingredients without a recipe; they won’t do a lot unless you know how to use them in way which is fully integrated with your processes. We’re well into the age of the connected consumer, so like we’ve seen in other sectors, dealers should be looking to create data-led organisations in which their core approach to process, customers and business decisions is based on quantifiable fact.

Many dealers are already successfully doing this – and it’s these examples from a cross-section of our UK client base that will form the core content of my presentation. Of course, we’ll throw in a bit of our own research and predictions for the future, along with some top tips to help the audience improve its own game as well.

As well as the conference, we’re really excited about the Expo – bringing together the UK’s top automotive suppliers including several of our partners such as CitNOW, Sky, iVendi and EMaC, among others.

It’ll be a superb opportunity to see what’s precedent-setting this side of the pond. As for our own stand at the Expo… well put it this way, we’re planning something BIG, and highly interactive.

It’ll be an unmissable part of whatever is shaping up to be an unmissable day, so make sure you sign up and come along on June 9 to this landmark event. Pop by our stand and say hi while you’re at it!

Click here for more details about the Conference and Expo

Click here for FREE tickets


Colin Channon's avatar

Colin is a former editor of Car Dealer. He left the magazine in August 2015.

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