
Audi dealership proud of perfect aftersales performance

Time 10:02 am, July 8, 2019

FAMILY-owned Stoke Audi is super-proud of two members of staff who scored 100 per cent across the board in a recent aftersales mystery shop.

The two top-performing colleagues are Sophie Simmonds, an apprentice service advisor, and master technician Steve Smith.

The LIS test (leistung in service) translates to performance in service and the standards Audi expect are extremely high – sites have to achieve a minimum of 90 per cent to pass.

Chris Holmes, area service and parts manager for Audi UK, said: ‘Stoke Audi and Sophie have done a fantastic job in passing the Audi mystery shop with a 100 per cent score.

‘Sophie has shown the ”Audi difference” and delivered a truly premium customer experience and is a credit to Swansway Motor Group.’

A delighted Martin Scott, Stoke Audi aftersales manager, said: ‘To say we’re delighted for an apprentice to pass this extremely rigorous test is an understatement.

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‘Sophie’s customer care skills and handling are exceptional and she excels in her role. An LIS test is difficult even for a fully qualified and experienced advisor to pass, so, Sophie should be very proud of what she’s achieved.’

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Dave Brown's avatar

Dave, production editor on Car Dealer Magazine, is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience in the worlds of newspapers, magazines and public relations.

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