Supplier Tips

We may be just a year old – but join us and watch your new car sales grow!

Time 9:51 am, November 8, 2019

A sponsored post from the ‘Five Star Suppliers’ feature in the current edition of Car Dealer Magazine

WHAT Car?’s New Car Buying service is a relatively new kid on the block as far as new car sales are concerned – but there’s no doubt about its popularity with some of the UK’s best-known dealer groups.

Over the past 12 months, companies including Lookers, Swansway and Vertu have all been using What Car?’s New Car Buying service, and the results have been so positive that it won the Online Advertiser for New Cars trophy at this year’s Car Dealer Power awards.

Confidentiality rules around voting prohibit us revealing the identity of those who make comments in the survey, but here are three examples of positive feedback:

  • ‘A great brand and trusted by consumers.’
  • ‘They deliver more leads than some other online car sales platforms.’
  • ‘Great service and not overpriced.’

We caught up with Paul Shoesmith, commercial director of What Car?, who was thrilled with the platform’s success, especially as it has been operational for little over a year.

Asked why he thought dealers voted for What Car? in such large numbers, he replied: ‘Unlike some rivals, we’re not about a race to the bottom on price, because What Car?’s Target Price is at the heart of our offering.

The latest issue of Car Dealer Magazine is out now!

‘Target Price is a fair price – for the car buyer and the car dealer – with the goal of establishing a productive ongoing relationship between both sides after the sale at its heart.

‘Couple that to the fact that the What Car? brand has credibility in both the consumer and trade marketplaces, and you have a huge audience of highly informed car buyers who are ready to engage and buy from retailers at this fair price.

‘The number, breadth and – above all – quality of leads we generate is very wide. Then, from the other side we have a highly engaged team of people working at What Car? to support the product.

‘Our heritage in this market space means that we aren’t interested in chasing flash-in-the-pan success; we have to build long-term relationships with retailers and really prove our value to them. We’re here to stay and delighted that our efforts so far have been recognised so soon.’

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Dave Brown's avatar

Dave, production editor on Car Dealer Magazine, is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience in the worlds of newspapers, magazines and public relations.

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