
Mobile devices are the way ahead…

Time 9:39 am, May 6, 2015

iVendiMOBILE devices are now used to access 50 per cent of motor finance online, according to new figures from iVendi.

The consumer picture changed rapidly from just two years ago, when the company first started compiling statistics. At that time, less than 25 per cent of access came through smartphones and tablets.

The figures come from analysis of users of iVendi’s Car Finance Checker, an online tool that allows customers to prequalify themselves for motor finance online.

James Tew, CEO at iVendi, said: ‘This unequivocally shows the way in which consumer attitudes towards mobile online access of all services have changed in a very short period of time.

‘The message for dealers and finance providers is simple – your online motor finance products must work very effectively on smartphones and tablets or you will be effectively excluding yourself from a large part of the market.

 ‘Certainly, we have put huge effort into ensuring our products such as Car Finance Checker are easy to use on mobile devices, and the increases in usage that we have seen speak for themselves.’

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Colin Channon's avatar

Colin is a former editor of Car Dealer. He left the magazine in August 2015.

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