
Number of cars manufactured in the UK falls again

Time 9:30 am, March 29, 2018

THE number of cars built in the UK has fallen again following the seventh consecutive month of decline in the domestic market, new figures show.

Just under 145,500 cars rolled off production lines last month, 4.4 per cent fewer than in February last year, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) reported.

There was another double-digit decline in production of cars for the UK, down by 17 per cent, following falls of 24 per cent in December, 28 per cent in November and 14 per cent in September.

Exports also fell, by 0.8 per cent, with 117,139 vehicles shipped overseas, 80 per cent of the total output.

Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive, said: ‘Another month of double-digit decline in production for the UK is of considerable concern, but we hope that the degree of certainty provided by last week’s Brexit transition agreement will help stimulate business and consumer confidence over the coming months.

‘These figures also highlight the scale of our sector’s dependency on exports, so a final deal that keeps our frictionless trade links with our biggest market, the EU, after December 2020 is now a pressing priority.’

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Dave, production editor on Car Dealer Magazine, is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience in the worlds of newspapers, magazines and public relations.

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