Blog Car Dealer Power

11.03.10: Why we need YOUR help!

Time 8:30 am, March 11, 2010

cdplogoWHY is it when the waiter comes over halfway through a meal and asks if everything is okay, we just say ‘oh yes, thank you’?

Even when the food resembles a Big Mac that’s been through a dishwasher, reheated and slapped on your plate with a rotten cockle accompaniment, most of us still nod our appreciation and give the thumbs up when asked.

That’s because it’s hard to confront someone face-to-face – telling them you’re not happy is never easy, because more often than not it’s just not worth the hassle.

But saying something can often make things better, help businesses improve and even get direct results – like a burger that resembles the picture on the menu for a start! But I’m willing to bet that when you go to a restaurant and they leave one of those feedback cards for you to fill in, you’re much more likely to give your opinion – especially when it tempts you with some vouchers for doing so.

It helps that these things are anonymous – at least those who served you won’t read it – but also you know that if you make the effort to fill them in, that feedback will be passed down and acted upon.

Think of Car Dealer Power as that restaurant feedback card. Our survey is your chance to give the manufacturers you represent and the suppliers you do business with the most honest feedback possible. Why so honest? Well, we’re not asking for your details – the only thing we want to know is your mobile number so we can call you and let you know if you’ve won one of the prizes.

We decided to launch Car Dealer Power because we wanted to let YOU have a say on your car manufacturer and suppliers. We’ll be printing a special results issue in a few months detailing the best and worst car
makers to represent and highlighting the best suppliers to do business with. It’ll make very interesting reading.

The easiest way to fill out the survey is by logging on to which will direct you straight to the questions. I hope you can take the time to fill in the survey – it should take two minutes and your answers could help change the way you do business every day for the better.


Take the Survey: Click here

More about Car Dealer Power: Click here

The Prizes: Click here

James Baggott's avatar

James is the founder and editor-in-chief of Car Dealer Magazine, and CEO of parent company Baize Group. James has been a motoring journalist for more than 20 years writing about cars and the car industry.

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