
CitNOW’s ‘Amber Follow-up’ add-on proves invaluable to dealership team

Time 9:44 am, November 23, 2018

A NORWICH Skoda dealership has seen an 86 per cent rise in work approved thanks to the addition of CitNOW’s ‘Amber Follow-Up’ add-on.

The add-on allows service advisors to easily schedule an amber work follow-up with the customer based on issues identified during an eVHC.

By setting a follow-up date in the CitNOW Dashboard when the customer collects their vehicle, an automatic email and the original eVHC video can be sent to the customer when the amber work may be nearing red.

The ‘Amber Follow-Ups’ keep the service advisor details and original workshop video in the email to keep the reminder personal.

By automating the process, Robinsons Skoda staff have saved time following up with amber opportunities and secured more work which might previously have been lost.

Owing to CitNOW’s training, the way in which ‘amber’ and ‘red’ work is identified remains objective across all staff members, ensuring a consistent service for customers of Robinsons Skoda.

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Alistair MacFarlane, aftersales manager at the dealership, said: ‘It’s a tool which makes our lives easier. For example, even if the front-end receptionists don’t book in a customer’s next visit on the day, they are able to easily do so at a later date thanks to the tool’s intuitive interface.

‘Not only are we securing more amber work, but all the appointments have a good level of detail to them, so we can act readily on current work. The output is great and it eases the pressure on staff; and all this for relatively little extra spend.’

The Amber Follow Up add-on was easily added to Robinsons Skoda’s Workshop application for a small monthly fee, and required little additional staff training.

Robinsons Skoda has used CitNOW Workshop since 2016 before opting for the additional Amber follow-up service.

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Dave Brown's avatar

Dave, production editor on Car Dealer Magazine, is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience in the worlds of newspapers, magazines and public relations.

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