Manheim has brought back Thursday physical auctions to its Manchester site as of today (Jul 28).
That means it’s now operating its twice-weekly sales there on a fully physical basis, after having to go online during the pandemic. Its Tuesday physical sales resumed last October, although buyers were still able to bid online.
They can continue bidding online at both weekly sales if they prefer.
Many other sites within the 15-strong Manheim network have also welcomed back dealers over the past year.
Liam Quegan, managing director of Manheim Auction Services, told Car Dealer today: ‘Manheim Auction Services first started a phased return to physical auctions in June 2021.
‘We have since expanded our physical sales programme, with Birmingham, Bristol, Colchester, Leeds, Manchester, Northampton, Shepshed, Shotts, Plymouth and Washington now all offering customers the ability to purchase vehicles either physically or online.
‘Why have we done this? Simply because many customers tell us they want a hybrid offer.
‘While online now plays a prominent role in their selling and buying activities, many still value physical sales.
‘We believe our role is to provide customers with their choice of channel to source the best stock, whether physically or online. Customer feedback to the expansion of our sales programme has been very positive.’
Earlier this week, Paul Martin, head of buyer services at Manheim, told via a tweet how it had successfully relaunched physical LCV sales at its Colchester, Shepshed and Washington sites.
He said: ‘Our LCV buyers now have a blended auction programme, which means they can buy how they want to buy.
‘The customer feedback so far has been really positive, and it’s been great to see so many buyers back in the lanes.’
Manheim’s current schedule of physical sales
- Birmingham: Wednesdays & Fridays
- Colchester: Tuesdays & Thursdays
- Bristol: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays
- Leeds: Monday mornings and afternoons, Wednesdays & Thursdays
- Manchester: Tuesdays & Thursdays
- Northampton: Tuesdays & Thursdays
- Shotts: Thursdays
- Washington: Wednesdays & Fridays
- Shepshed: Mondays
- Plymouth: Wednesdays
Pictured via Google Street View is Manheim’s Manchester site