
SCRAP: RMIF back us

Time 9:06 am, March 27, 2009

scrap1RMIF director Sue Robinson says a UK scrappage scheme is the catalyst needed to kick start sales.

Writing exclusively today for Car Dealer, Robinson backs our Scrap Scheme Now campaign and points to its successful introduction in some European countries.

Here, she makes the case for scrappage…

CAR sales are significantly down on a year ago as a result of the ongoing economic downturn as many consumers are putting off buying a new car until there is an upswing in the economy.

A catalyst is required to kick-start consumer confidence, and revive new car sales in the UK.

The RMIF believes that a vehicle scrappage policy will have the dual benefit of reviving the new car market, while also removing older, high-polluting cars from the road at the same time.

This could be a good move for the UK. Scrappage policies have been successfully adopted by a number of European countries in the last few years, including Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain and we believe that adopting the policy could help move the economy in the right direction.

The RMIF and the SMMT both presented papers to Government in February that put the case for a scrappage scheme in the UK that mirrors those successfully adopted in other EU states.

The Government must declare their intentions as soon as possible if scrappage is to be adopted, and include motor industry professionals to provide their expertise during the planning and implementation of the scheme.

Sue Robinson, Director, Retail Motor Industry Federation

More on Scrap Scheme Now: click here

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James is the founder and editor-in-chief of Car Dealer Magazine, and CEO of parent company Baize Group. James has been a motoring journalist for more than 20 years writing about cars and the car industry.

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