
Oh dear – we’re hardly the most romantic profession in the world…

Time 9:15 am, February 13, 2015

Screen shot 2015-02-13 at 09.14.24TOMORROW is Valentine’s Day. And before you say ‘I know that…’ then look around your dealership. Some of your colleagues seem to be in the dark…

Plan Insurance has carried out a survey about romantic you all are. And, to be honest, you’re not exactly a group of Richard Geres…

The survey found:

  • 36 per cent of car traders do not celebrate Valentine’s Day AT ALL;
  • Not even half will buy a Valentine’s Day card;
  • Just over a third (36 per cent) were planning to buy a present;
  • Only 12 per cent would consider spending £40 on a present.

But, you romantic lot you, half of you were thinking of going out for a meal tomorrow. But as you’re not interested in splashing out too much, does that mean a trip to KFC or Maccy Ds??

Plan Insurance comes up with a few ideas, such as a dine-in Valentine’s meal – they’re available for £20, which includes a three-course dinner, a bottle of bubbly and a box of chocolates.

Okay, it’s not original, but it beats doing nothing at all…

Anyhow, must rush. Just remembered what day it is. Hope Sainsbury’s is still open…


Colin Channon's avatar

Colin is a former editor of Car Dealer. He left the magazine in August 2015.

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