PREPARING for the next big shift in automotive retailing is a vital consideration for forward-thinking car dealers – and Barclays Partner Finance will be on hand to offer valuable guidance and advice at CDX on Wednesday.
Trends in other areas
of retail are accelerating fast
and adapting to the expectations
of consumers. Every time a customer experiences a seamless, fast and reliable purchase process from one outlet, their expectations are set for every other buying situation.
Barclays Partner Finance will be publishing one of four White Papers at CDX in Farnborough when it delivers its keynote speech.
It contains research which will examine how traditional car purchasing must change to meet new expectations – be they tackling the challenge of multi-channel buyers, seamlessly bridging the gap between the physical showroom and the digital sphere, or addressing new challenges in communicating effectively with a new generation of buyers.
Each stage of the buying process is a new opportunity for the system to fail and for consumers to become frustrated. Avoiding that scenario is all-important.
Adam Mepham, pictured, sales director for Barclays Partner Finance, will present the company’s findings and shed some light on the challenges and solutions for car dealers.
He will be giving a keynote speech on the Car Dealer Live Stage that will look at how you can reshape your business to offer the most convenient and efficient route for buyers.
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