BLUECYCLE, the car salvage specialists, are moving in an exciting new direction – and if you’re looking for a cheap and easy way to get hold of some decent stock, you’d be well advised to read on!
Already known as the leading online marketplace for car salvage auctions, the company has just launched its new ‘Retail Ready’ forecourt.
And as the name of the new venture implies, the cars sold under the Retail Ready banner are exactly that: completely ready to be added to your stock and sold on.
Andy Latham, Bluecycle’s compliants manager, explained the thinking behind the new venture.
‘Bluecycle is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aviva,’ he told us. ‘We deal with all the motor salvage that comes from Aviva as well as servicing other customers as well.
‘We also do some defleeting work involving those vehicles that are too badly damaged for the fleet company to retail in their normal manner. We are now taking selected vehicles from all those sources and getting them repaired by Solus which is the Aviva network of bodyshops.
‘They’re repairing those vehicles, where possible, using green parts. That is, recycled parts that have come from donor vehicles or through the recycling industry. Those vehicles are then prepared to retail standard and sold on the Bluecycle site in exactly the same way that we would sell any other vehicle. The crucial difference is that while other vehicles we sell are damaged, these ones aren’t.
‘They come fully valeted, they come with an MoT where applicable, log books and so on and literally, everything is ready. All you need to do is put the road fund licence on it, insure it and you can drive it down the road.’
Although the Retail Ready forecourt has only been up and running for a couple of weeks, Latham said the new part of Bluecycle’s website had already featured an extremely wide variety of vehicles.
When we spoke to him in May, he told us: ‘We’re going through the whole gamut of stuff at the moment. We’ve got 06 Focuses and Astras right through to an Audi RS6 and pretty much everything inbetween.
‘One of the specials we’re looking at is a 1965 Ford Mustang which I must admit I’m after myself!
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‘The Retail Ready Forecourt represents a slight change of focus for us. We’re not moving away from our core offering which is still going to be motor salvage and damaged vehicles.
‘We’re moving into an area that we’re not really known for which is vehicles that you can just drive away and put on your forecourt.’
Bluecycle’s Retail Ready forecourt operates in a slightly different way from other auctions on the site, explained Latham: ‘Whereas our normal auctions run for two working days, these run for five because we appreciate that some dealers out there might actually want to get a customer lined up for the vehicle first.’
Of course, the other areas of Bluecycle’s work will continue as normal and Latham is keen to stress that buying damaged cars can often lead to easy stocking and quick profits for car dealers.
‘Vehicles will continue to go through the system in a damaged state, and invariably what they need is a bit of TLC. Maybe they have got a damaged bumper or door or something like that – and apart from that, they might just have a few scratches and need a damned good clean. It’s a very cheap and easy way of getting some decent stock. And this stock is Astras, Zafiras, Focuses, Meganes, all that sort of stuff – ie fast-moving.’
Whichever part of Bluecycle’s operation you focus on, you can be sure that the company is dedicated to providing its customers with first-class, friendly service.