Car Dealer Power

Car Dealer Power – have your say HERE!

Time 3:01 pm, January 17, 2011

power-surveyLAST year your opinions on the manufacturers you represent and the suppliers you do business with really shook up the motor industry.

We asked you to rate the firms you have contact with on a daily basis with one sole aim – to highlight the very best in the motor trade.

And you responded in your droves. Response to our survey was incredible and with your opinions logged we were able to rate the car manufacturers from best to represent to the worst!

We also asked you for your opinions on motor trade suppliers you do business with – we wanted to know who was the very best in key categories from finance to online advertising.

With your opinions counted we named the very best companies for dealers to do business with. These Car Dealer Power Awards were the only seal of approval worth celebrating because they were the only gongs voted for by the people that matter most – you!

Now, this year we’re doing it all over again…

The latest issue of Car Dealer Magazine is out now!


Now, because we want you to give your honest feedback our survey is 100 per cent confidential.

You can fill in the survey here – – and tick the virtual boxes. Nowhere will we ask your name or your company’s name.

Anything you say in the survey will NEVER be passed on to anyone else and will remain securely with Car Dealer Magazine – you have our word!

However, if you want to be considered for one of the brilliant monthly prizes we have up for grabs you’ll need to give us your mobile phone number. This is so we can call the winners and find out where to send the prize.


Because it can make a difference, that’s why. When we launched Car Dealer Power last year not every car manufacturer took it seriously – some didn’t think we really were going to publish the shocking results in full. But we did. And they didn’t like it. Some car makers didn’t like the fact that you were allowed an opinion and that we voiced it. Now’s your chance to tell us if they listened to what you had to say – did they do anything about your gripes? And are the best still great? We won’t know unless you tell us.


garmin1310This month we’ve got THREE Garmin 1310 sat nav systems to give away worth £130 each to three random respondents to our survey.

The slimline navigation device is packed with technology to help make your journey smoother and safer.

The 1310 boasts lane assist information to help ensure you always make the right turn, speed camera alerts and clever ecoRoute software that encourages you to make more eco-friendly trips.

It comes with mapping for the UK and Republic of Ireland and even has Bluetooth so you can make handsfree calls on the go. Where Am I? software can detail what services are around you while the smart City Explorer mode lets you use the unit as a guide while walking with information on restaurants and public transport.

It’s got a 4.3-inch display, speaks out the road names you need to take and is compatible with the optional traffic information system. For more information on the 1310 log on to

Everyone who fills in a survey before January 27 will be in with a chance of winning one of these amazing systems.


James Baggott's avatar

James is the founder and editor-in-chief of Car Dealer Magazine, and CEO of parent company Baize Group. James has been a motoring journalist for more than 20 years writing about cars and the car industry.

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