
Matt’s getting ready for a fund-raising skydive

Time 7:35 am, August 25, 2015

Matt Llewelyn Jones - Wessex Garages - pic 2A MEMBER of staff from a car dealership in Cardiff is preparing to take part in a charity skydive.

Matt Llewelyn Jones, who works at Wessex Garages in Hadfield Road, will be jumping from a plane on September 6 in aid of George Thomas Hospice Care.

The 24-year-old digital sales executive, who lives in Cathays, explained: ‘I’ve been meaning to do a charity skydive for years and I’m very excited. I’m not scared of heights but I’m sure I’ll feel differently when I’m up there.

‘I will be raising money for our dealership’s chosen charity of the year at the same time. George Thomas Hospice Care provides specialist home-based palliative care for people suffering from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.’

Llewelyn Jones will be doing a tandem jump at Swansea Airport with an experienced British Parachute Association instructor and will be free-falling from 12,000 feet.

Nicky Piper, corporate fundraising and events manager for George Thomas Hospice Care, said: ‘We are thrilled that Matt signed up to take part in the skydive. We wish him all the best.’

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Wessex Garages is a privately-owned company that has outlets in Bristol, Cardiff, Gloucester and Newport.

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Dave, production editor on Car Dealer Magazine, is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience in the worlds of newspapers, magazines and public relations.

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