bangers4ben News

Bangers4BEN 2014 takes an Italian Job theme – register now!

Time 1:06 pm, May 19, 2014

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GET your hands in your pockets and get those feelers out – it’s that time of year again where you need to bag a banger for our annual charity event. Bangers4BEN returns for the seventh year running and 2014 takes on a classic caper theme – The Italian Job. Read on how you can register today.

We’ve always tried to make our annual charity run as much fun as possible and this year we’ve worked doubly hard to make sure you have a fabulous time. There’s a good dose of fun and frolics that have characterised previous events, but with a huge dollop of car stuff as well.

The much-loved 1969 big-screen hit will be the inspiration for this year’s event and will take in instantly recognisable locations from the film.

Bangers4BEN 2014 is a FOUR-day event starting in Dover on Saturday, October 11, with our final destination being the Fiat factory in Turin, Italy, before heading home on Tuesday, October 14.

Along the way we’ll be heading along one of the world’s best driving roads, the Stelvio Pass, and drop by Lake Como.

Once the rally has ended, the car you made the trip in will be sold at a special auction at BCA, with all the proceeds handed over to BEN.

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Screen shot 2014-05-19 at 13.57.51This year, there’s a hike in the car budget. You have £750 to spend on your banger, but as BEN makes its money from the sale of these cars, spending a trifle more than £750 doesn’t really break the rules — it all goes to helping BEN raise more money!

As in previous years, the entry fee is £500 for a team of two — a small price to pay for such a large amount of fun.

The £500 covers hotel rooms, evening meals, breakfast and your ferry crossings — you’ll have to pay for fuel, tolls and the overpriced food you find in continental service stations.

Once again the AA is kindly providing two patrol vans just in case anyone breaks down, and we aim to have three Minis as pace cars – naturally decked out in red, white and blue livery.

To register for Bangers4BEN you NEED to attend our 2020 Vision Conference on June 20 – click HERE to get all the information and to get your FREE Conference ticketsThere are 37 places and they are on a first-come first-served basis. If there are any places left these will be opened up after the conference. In previous years, spaces have filled up in a matter of weeks – and we expect this year’s allocation to fill up at the conference – so be there so you don’t miss out. We hope to see you on October 11.

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James Batchelor's avatar

James – or Batch as he’s known – started at Car Dealer in 2010, first as the work experience boy, eventually becoming editor in 2013. He worked for Auto Express as editor-at-large from 2014 and was the face of Carbuyer’s YouTube reviews. In 2020, he went freelance and now writes for a number of national titles and contributes regularly to Car Dealer. In October 2021 he became Car Dealer's associate editor.

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