
Car Dealer Road Show kicks off today at Manheim Mansfield

Time 9:47 am, April 28, 2015

IMG_2037.JPGIT CAN get pretty boring holed up in the office all day, so we’ve decided it would do Car Dealer’s Andy Entwistle and Emelye Dwyer some good to get out and about – so we’ve sent them on a trip to sunny Mansfield. 

In all honesty, this trip is a little bit dual-purpose. They’re going to be spending the day at Manheim’s auction house to talk to people about our award-winning magazine and how they can get the most out of our upcoming Car Dealer Conference & Automotive Expo.

Early this morning – after several cups of coffee – Entwistle said: ‘This is the first of a number of road shows we’re going to be doing up and down the country. Dealers can get a free copy of the magazine and chat with us at Manheim Mansfield between 10am and 1pm today.’

In the next few weeks they’ll be dropping into other Manheim and BCA sites up and down the country. Keep an eye on the @CarDealerMag twitter for updates on where they’ll be going next!

Fingers crossed Andy keeps focused on the task at hand and not on the auction. Although we’re sure he’ll be grateful for any tips for his Trading Up challenge…



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Rebecca Chaplin's avatar

Rebecca has been a motoring and business journalist since 2014, previously writing and presenting for titles such as the Press Association, Auto Express and Car Buyer. She has worked in many roles for Car Dealer Magazine’s publisher Blackball Media including head of editorial.

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