
Codeweavers appoints new key account director

Time 2:25 pm, June 7, 2019

ECOMMERCE platform specialist Codeweavers has appointed a key account director to work alongside and consult with the UK’s largest motor retail groups.

Adam Canay, pictured, who has been promoted to the role, started as a motor finance broker and has 15 years of automotive experience.

His background and understanding of the motor retail environment allows him to guide dealers on strategies to optimise their digital approach to finance, says Codeweavers.

Canay will be helping dealer groups to identify new and creative ways to support vehicle finance online.

Canay said: ‘Challenges and opportunities for motor finance are everywhere right now and we see how a smart collaborative approach to leverage API technologies can help dealers to move swiftly to ensure they have a smart, compliant edge that works for customers and dealers alike.

‘The pace of this change is unprecedented and can be confusing. My role is to help clients to cut through the maze of possibilities and stay ahead of the game.

‘In today’s increasingly omnichannel car retailing environment, technologies should not operate in isolation; an integrated strategy is required. Finance must operate across all platforms.’

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