
Pinewood acquires Ebbon-Dacs’ DMS business

Time 10:47 am, July 24, 2015

pinewood logoPINEWOOD today announced it had acquired Ebbon-Dacs’ DMS business.

The majority of the Ebbon-Dacs DMS customers have already committed to upgrade to Pinnacle, the Pinewood Dealer Management System.

Pinewood said in a statement: ‘This is great news for the Ebbon-Dacs DMS team as there is significant opportunity within the merged business.

‘Pinewood has been impressed by the achievements of the relatively-small Ebbon-Dacs DMS team. The acquisition will further strengthen its DMS development resource as the two Microsoft-partner development teams are integrated.

‘In recent years investment in DMS products and services has been accelerated by the greater complexity of manufacturer integration and the transition of dealers towards a modern blended retail environment. Pinewood, with its enlarged development resource, is ideally placed to ensure its Pinnacle DMS continues to lead the way with customer centric innovation and operational simplicity.

‘Ebbon-Dacs will now be able to focus on its market-leading position in the fleet connectivity market with the knowledge its long-standing DMS customers will continue to enjoy a Microsoft technology roadmap and a collaborative business approach based upon enhancing dealer profitability.

‘Pinewood welcomes the Ebbon-Dacs DMS team and its customers as it commences a structured transition to the Pinewood Pinnacle DMS.’

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Colin Channon's avatar

Colin is a former editor of Car Dealer. He left the magazine in August 2015.

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