UK car manufacturing continues to rise, the latest figures from the SMMT reveal.
Automotive plants in the UK manufactured 141,146 cars in May, the month’s highest output since 2004. Car manufacturing posted a 42.2 per cent hike, with year-to-date volumes were up 17.3 per cent
CV output subdued in the month with 9,445 vehicles produced, a 7.4 per cent decline, while UK engine manufacturing rose 13.4 per cent in May, as year-to-date volumes topped the one million mark.
‘Car manufacturing in May hit the highest level of output since 2004 posting 42.2 per cent growth, a sizable recovery against volumes hampered by last year’s Japanese tsunami,’ said Paul Everitt, SMMT chief executive.
‘This boost, coupled with robust year-to-date results demonstrates the strength of UK automotive manufacturing and shows why it continues to attract high levels of international investment.
‘While commercial vehicle output remains subdued, in line with restrained levels of demand, the year’s engine output volume passed one million in May and is more than 40,000 units ahead of last year.’