An initial inquiry we almost always get asked when a potential client is referred or contacts us is ‘How can you help us to grow our presence and drive traffic towards our business?’ or words to that effect.
Perhaps the client already ‘does’ social media but knows that it could do better. Perhaps they don’t have the time, perhaps they just don’t know what or how to create and manage the content that gets results, or maybe it’s all of these things.
This is where Motor Socials steps in.
Let us give you an example of an MG dealer client of ours who reached out to us some time ago with some, or all, of these challenges.
We took an initial brief and a member of our team went to see them with our videographer, and began learning about their business and putting together a strategic plan to grow their presence, following, leads and sales.
The content we captured and created then went into production with our graphic design team to ensure the content was optimised for the platforms they needed to be on.
Crucially, it was optimised for the manner in which their target audience consumes their content (mobile, tablet, desktop, evenings, weekends, etc, etc).
This content – a blend of educational (particularly around EV), brand awareness, product, service, recruitment (a real winner on socials) and purchasing stock – was then all placed into their bespoke strategy.
As the content was tested on the audience, it evolved to the point that we knew what to create, when to post it and how it converted.
Their ‘digital showroom’ was rocking and the OEM was delighted, as their content was aligned with the brand’s objectives and standards – a very important point for a franchise dealer. It also had to be FCA-compliant (often an issue for many).
The real art, and point, of social media is to get to the customer FIRST before they are ready to buy.
Take them on a journey with your business so that when they are ready they know exactly where to come, how to reach out and their inquiry is managed in the right way (crucial when dealing with SM leads).
Content, and the right stuff, is king.
For example, we created 10 Instagram reels for our client over a six-week period – total views of 62k and all 10 cars sold.
Community management is a hugely important cornerstone of social media management, and this is where it’s vital the dealer/brand has a firm grip on what – and what not – to do and when.
A stray lead, an irritable customer and ‘BOOM!’ – it is bad news posted everywhere.
This is where we make sure everything is managed well.
Inquiry management is another critical success factor.
Let us give you an example of two inquiries that came into our MG client’s FB page on a Saturday morning at the start of January.
The account manager (we operate a seven-day-a-week inquiry management solution) immediately – 47 seconds, to be exact – engaged with the customer, nurtured the leads and passed the qualified leads to the dealer.
By 3pm on the Sunday, the dealer had sold a new ZS EV and a used MG3 – all because they had reacted to the inquiry.
We were subsequently told that the customer had inquired with one other dealer around 25 miles away but got no response.
Finally, and crucially, we provided our client (as we do for all) with a detailed report that informs the MI that informs the strategy. Real data, real stuff.
In conclusion, devising a bespoke strategy, creating the right content, managing the community, managing the leads and knowing exactly what has worked and what hasn’t has enabled our MG client to take their business to the next level.
Social media done right will be – and is – a crucial component of your brand/dealers’ short- medium-and long-term strategy.
Get in touch with us via [email protected] or DM us for a chat if you want to know a bit more about how we can help you like we do many OEMs, franchise dealers and large independents.