
Charles Hurst Group drives gender diversity in Northern Irish automotive workplace

Time 9:00 am, August 19, 2019

CHARLES Hurst Group has been named as the first motor retailer in Northern Ireland to sign up with Diversity Mark NI for its Mark of Progress.

Diversity Mark NI is an independent not-for-profit organisation that works to support companies of all sizes to achieve the Charter Mark in recognition of their commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Northern Ireland’s biggest car retailer said it had been driving diversity and inclusion for a number of years. It added that this act of commitment from the group outwardly demonstrated the company’s progress in addressing gender representation at all levels to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Operations director Colin McNab said: ‘Charles Hurst Group is delighted to be the first motor retailer in Northern Ireland to be working towards achieving the Diversity Charter Mark.

‘We pride ourselves on creating a positive working environment for our hundreds of staff across all our dealerships, and to have our efforts recognised in a formal process is testament to the ongoing commitment of our teams in driving diversity within the workplace.’

Christine White, head of business at Diversity Mark NI, said: ‘We are delighted to see Charles Hurst sign up for membership with Diversity Mark and look forward to working with them over the coming years.’

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Part of the Lookers Group, Charles Hurst represents 22 brands across seven sites including its 20-acre Belfast headquarters – the largest automotive park in Europe.

MORE: Charles Hurst Belfast nominated as Ferrari Classiche ‘Officina’ dealership for Northern Ireland

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Dave Brown's avatar

Dave, production editor on Car Dealer Magazine, is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience in the worlds of newspapers, magazines and public relations.

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